So my free promotion using Amazon KDP Select for my short speculative fiction piece, His Eyes, has now ended. Here are the stats:
-3 days (July 4-6)
-Reached #2 on Free Teen/YA Science Fiction, Romance, Dystopian
-Reached #36 on Free Teen/YA Science Fiction
-Reached #4136 for Kindle Free
Although I applied to several websites that feature free promos, only two posted my event. I also got two tweets from these reaching in total ~68K followers (plus my own 780 followers). I myself was able to follow my self-inflicted rule of tweeting a max of 2 tweets per day regarding my event. I picked up two more "To-Read"s on Goodreads.
What I learned so far:
-Many websites that feature free promos without charge have rules about which books they are willing to post - rules such as a minimum amount of positive reviews and an average star rating.
-Many websites that feature free promos without charge require a 10-14 day advance request
-Advertising is difficult work - there is a fine line between informative and convincing and annoying.
-Targeting audiences that would be more likely to download what I am offering would likely be more effective than just broadcasting widely to anyone and everyone willing to listen. I just need to figure out the most effective way to do this in the future.
-You get what you pay for - free advertising is great but you have no control and no guarantees
Check back later for a recap and to learn if my free days improved sales or gained more reviews of His Eyes. Still trying to decide if I should use KDP Select for my upcoming novel, Beyond the Reach of Judgement, a vampire romance for a New Adult age group.
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